Open Source
We rely on open systems for our products. Our primarily used and supported operating-system is Linux (usually Debian-based), and we're using open-source-programs as basis for our systems as far as possible. Furthermore, we also publish parts of our own software as Open Source.
Further information and the sourcecode of the Open Source parts our products can be obtained by mail.
The most important Open-Source-licenses we use, are:
- MIT-license: simple license, re-use in proprietary software is permitted
- BSD-licenses: different versions, re-use in proprietary software is permitted
- LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
- GPL (GNU General Public License): re-use in proprietary software is forbidden (Copyleft)
- Creative Commons-licenses: different licenses, which are also usable for non-software
We usually use the MIT-license for our own Open Source Software, since it is relatively short and simple, and allows our customers to integrate it in their own commercial/proprietary software, and so gives our customers the maximal freedom.